Friday, November 16, 2012

Issue 4 Survey Questions

Update on Role of Government

My group and I feel that the most important role of government is to protect the people. Government should be for the people not against it. The government should be trying to help the people that it represents. Right now citizens feel that this is currently not the case. This bothers me and i hope to change these negative feelings for the better.

Role of Government (Issue4)

“My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration.Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.(, 2012). Governments’ role in American’s life is to protect our life, liberty and our property as individuals. This is all very important to the Dino-Mights, and is our first priority as the third party candidate. Government should ensure that all citizens have as high of quality life as possible. To help with this government should provide different forms of healthcare. This means providing healthcare to people who can't afford it and financial help to the poor. The Dino-Mights feel that by helping the lower income individuals, it will result in a stronger America for today. Along with that, Government should provide a police force, army, hospitals, education, and maintain roads and public places. All of these things are what government should provide to us as Americans. (, 2012) Our government of the people needs to help with all it can but not be too intrusive on the people's space. One of the things that the government should give us is freedom to our people. We want our government to be a constitutional republic and stop leaning towards something like communism. The people need to be free so they are happy. Like John Locke said "Government exists for the people, people don't exist for the government". We need to help the people and provide them with what they need like a government is suppose to do. The people need to understand though at the same time that we need to have taxes on the people so that way we can provide these various kinds of support. Without the people we would not have the type of government that we do. Government has many regulations on businesses. “In a 2011 survey of about 1,200 small business owners, more than 80 percent cited economic factors and lack of demand as the primary obstacles facing their business. This should not be what worries businesses every day. Small businesses should have no worries or be scared about if their business will succeed. The government needs to get more involved with the small businesses as we already mentioned in our previous issues that small businesses are the backbone to our economy. Even Republican economic analysts admit that regulation does not notably affect employment”(, 2011). The Dino-Mights believe it does though. The government needs to step up its involvement in areas that are important and stop worrying about some things that are not so important. The government should have little to no regulation on what happens with the banks. Banks are there own thing that has nothing to do with what happens with the government. There are many different types of banks that come up because of private owner making new banks. The government in the constitution has nothing to do with banks. The government should also have no regulation with what happens down on wall street. Problems that people have with so much regulation is that big corporations could be able to undermine regulatory ideas. (, 2012)Like the Dino-Mights believe about banks we believe that wall street is it’s own thing also and that it needs to be left alone from the government. Those who think think that regulatory ideas work to benefit all the industries involved in Wall Street are wrong. People need to realize that the government isn’t always important in everything that the people do. Arrowood, E. (2012). Government Regulations Do Not Have A Meaningful Impact On Unemployment. Retrieved on November 1, 2012. From Machan, T. (2012).Government Regulation of Business. Retrieved on November 1, 2012. From Things Government Should Provide for the People,(2012).Retrieved on October 26,2012. From Regulation reform,(2011). Retrieved on November 5, 2012. From Wall Street Is Too Big to Regulate, (2012). Retrieved on November 5, 2012. From -nationalized.html?_r=0

Friday, October 26, 2012

Issue 3 Survey Questions

Update on Campaign Finance

This last issue has been a hard one for us deciding on what to do with campaign finance. Government transparency is a tough one. We believe that all the people should know what is going on in the government. This next week we will be talking about the role of government and how important it is in people's lives.

Campaign Finance (Issue 3)

Campaign finance is a huge deal for any candidate that is running for election for president. Campaign finance refers to the fundraising and spending that political parties do in election campaigns. The Dino-Mights feel that finance towards certain parties is very beneficial, and we support campaign finance.”President Obama, GOP nominee Mitt Romney, and the super PACs that support their campaigns have raised hundreds of millions of dollars and are on track to spend more than $2 billion by Election Day”(,2012). We feel that this is an outrageous amount of money. However, in order to gain in this election you have to be willing to risk some big money. All money that is spent on our party will mainly be put towards advertising which is our big focus for the 2012 political race. “ Most everyone has heard of “super” Political Action Committees or Super PAC’s that act as vehicles for Americans to unite with other Americans on common political beliefs. The rise of Super PAC’s has led to a slew of advertisements, mostly negative from 2010 to 2012”(, 2012). A Super PAC is a type of committee which may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals but may not contribute directly with party candidates. Although some people may complain about the over spending that these contributors are doing, they are benefitting the parties they support. An earmark is a legislative provision that directs approved funds to be spent on specific projects, or that directs specific exemptions from taxes or mandated fees. The Dino-Mights believe that earmarks are not a good thing in our society. The fact that money can be set aside for events or say new highways and bridges under another bill is not right in our eyes. Our party believes that government should be transparent in their actions. This goes hand and hand with earmarks. Since the Dino-Mights completely disagree on earmarks we encourage government transparency. “The administration of Barack Obama's plans to usher in a "new era of transparency" by privatizing Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA)”(,2012). We agree with President Barack Obama when his party says this statement. By allowing the public eye to view further information into the government, it would answer a lot of unsolved questions that American citizens have. There is a lot of information that we don’t find out because government is covering it up. For example The Watergate Scandal is a perfect example of how government transparency would not only make Americans happier and give them more insight. “ The prowlers that were arrested inside the DCN were connected to President Richard Nixon’s reelection campaign, and they had been caught while attempting to wiretap phones and steal secret documents. While historians are not sure whether Nixon knew about the Watergate espionage operation before it happened, he took steps to cover it up afterwards, raising “hush money” for the burglars, trying to stop the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from investigating the crime, destroying evidence and firing uncooperative staff members”(, 2012). Another example is the “ Bridge to Nowhere”. “Congress had previously approved for a bridge in Ketchikan, Alaska, to fund reconstruction of a hurricane-damaged bridge in Louisiana. Dubbed the "Bridge to Nowhere," the bridge in Alaska would connect the town of Ketchikan (population 8,900) with its airport on the Island of Gravina (population 50) at a cost to federal taxpayers of $320 million, by way of three separate earmarks in the recent highway bill”(,2012). This goes to show how earmarks are not a good thing and that government transparency would be a benefit, to allow citizens to see the truth behind our government. Things such as the Bridge to Nowhere wouldn’t be randomly thrown into a highway bill to get it through. Campaign finance and Super PACs have been a good thing for all candidates. All money that we gain will be put towards mainly advertising, we want to put our supporters money to good use. The Dino-Mights want to take America in the right direction, and to do this we feel getting rid of earmarks and making government transparent in their actions is the answer. We want to prevent problems such as the Watergate Scandal and the latest “ Bridge to Nowhere”. Our party is proud to say that we want to be upfront and let the U.S citizens know what is happening in our government.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Update on Tax Issue

Our group, the Dino-Mights have been debating the issue of taxes. We feel as though your input is important as citizens, and should be listened to so that they may have an effect on future decisions that can and will affect the tax policies. The ideas of citizens should be listened to. This country is based on the citizens within it. Wiithout you government would be worthless. As president I will listen to your ideas and thoughts and make decisions that go along with them. Democrats and republicans have many different views on how this issue should be handled. We hope to find a point of equilibrium (agreement) between both so both are happy.